Saturday, January 28, 2012


"It meant a lot to me before, but not anymore."

When you put a little effort into something, naturally all will end well. Hey, I'm not EMO! I just realized that life ain't that easy and not everyone in your life will be your best friend forever or what the so-called soul mate. Let's smile and face the camera, Say CHEESE!

Sometimes you need to keep your expression neutral. Over-showing your emotions will never do you good. Keeping some of your emotions to yourself rather than showing it out to the public. It's a form of protection to camouflage your feelings without anyone else bothering you when you want to be alone.

Glad to have some great friends with me. I miss u all. At least when I'm down, I have someone for me to confide in, to talk to and to express my feelings. Thanks!

Admit it. I love to take pics. Smile. I miss you. And I love you. Happy 20 to my dearest friend Ah Tang! Best of luck in everything =) Really, I appreciate all of you who bring smile to my life. Again, Say CHEESE! =) Loads pics, less words. Cos a picture paints a thousand words.

~The End~

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Black Star tour!

"I can be tough, I can be strong..."

2 weeks away from the scribbling on the exam papers, I'm exhausted entirely. Lack of preparation has caught me off guard and finally I've escaped from those particular dreadful days of FINALS. 'The Black Star' tour, Avril is coming, peeps!

I realized that I can be very quiet. Perhaps, who knows. It's a way to contemplate, shut myself away temporarily for the internal squabbling. I ain't feeling upset or anything. Baffled and perplexed. I meant to write lots about my life, since dunno when I've left my bloggie not updated.

Humans are weirdos. What has over is always the best moment. I miss u all. DO you know that? =( Have to improve my English for real! It's suck!

Happy Dragon Year peeps! =) May prosperity be with you always. Love ya all! Glad to be home now. I can be strong! My New Year Resolution! I will nail you down babe!

~The End!~

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Let bygones be bygones

"Let bygones be bygones"

Imagine myself sitting on the old rickety armchair, humming the tune that I don't even know, reading some old ancient stuff, totally at ease. I want a life with no worries! That's it. Settle down, settle down. Reality's gonna be harsh.

Don't ever judge the book by its cover. Yes! The real book I mean. Underestimate it will only bring you down, I learn it and I know it. All will be fine? I guess so. Don't find excuses to avoid the mistake you've done. I just wanna say, 'Sorry' I'm wrong.

2 more days. I'm tired of swearing and promising. Promises are meant to be broken. Pray sincerely that I'd have a much better holidays. Mentally remind myself to put more effort in study. Nice pic? ='(

Fervently wish that ALL will be fine. May God bless me. Specially I wanna thank my dear sweet KK9 gang of friends -- Qiao Fan, Lily Chia, Felicia Aub and Mabel for encouraging me! =)

~ The End~

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012

3... 2.. 1.

Happy 2012, Peeps!

I couldn't wait the exam to end ya all know, sitting still for hours reading books as thick as encyclopedia while people all having holidays or whatnot! "In... Out..." I need fresh air to rejuvenate my body system, as well as my so packed mind. Well, It's 2012 and I hope this will be an awesome year for me! 

Somehow I need a break in between to soothe my complications, as well as my frustrations. Come on! Supposedly I can get out and have fun. Supposedly I can enjoy to the max counting down the second to a whole new year. Luckily I still got the chance to have breakfast with a bunch of friends early in the morning, before even the dawn 'broke'! I love dim sum and I enjoy it with them! Cheese =)

This is my lovely 'Family' here. The rest of my day was so dull that I've no intention to share it to you all. STUDY - EAT - STUDY - EAT - SLEEP, that's what was I doing throughout the day! Argh... I'd join the crowds to welcome 2012 instead of staying in room! 

I'll be more hardworking this year, putting more effort so that I can do well the coming semester. Great year ahead. Great day! I believe I can score well! Let's see =) *Hope my family will stay healthy as they are now* New Year, New Hopes!

~The End~