Sunday, July 24, 2011

10 years

That's what I was typically trying to do, trying hard to make the sluggish yawn slightly imperceptible while doing some monotonous filing and typing job, well surely with the rainy icy day, I was practically in the sleepy mood, and THIS subsequently pulling down my usual perkiness. Moodiness set in, as usual.

The flame of anticipation is quickly doused by the complicated form fillings whenever I feel the excitement within me roaring and howling exuberantly. I haven't yet gotten rid of the awful sickening feeling of sadness, nor did I feel good enough for the news delivered days ago, not by owl certainly but post. Bombarded by the maelstrom of emotions, the thought of having a break is thrilling and exciting. Hell, I'm having a break now!

Rereading the book of Harry Potter I felt tears rolling, gleaming and glistening.

Well, no more platform nine and three quarters, Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Muggles, and Lord Voldemort other than Harry, Ron and Hermione. A stab of pain. It's always been a part of my life, a well-known magical fantasy life. =(

My friend asked me, out of curiosity, I guess, Would I be crying when I write my blog. Hmm... Perhaps, honestly, sometimes, I will. Would u cry reading the above sentence? Maybe this is why I feel sad always. We're pathetic. Life revolves around sleep, eat, work and study. How dull is that. I just want my life to be a little more meaningful.

Feeling devastated, I'm not acting all sad and subdued, people might think that I'm insane and over-reacted crying over for the end of a book. But Let's think, How'd our life be 10 years later? Working, Working and WORKING. We're born, we grow, then we leave and we'll die. Life cycle, inevitable and unavoidable. How predictable? Pathetic.

A Look Back- For 10 years have been over.

~The End~