Thursday, May 16, 2013

Deep Thoughts.

Feeling of insecurity intensifies often when there are uncertainties exist in friendship. Trust is somehow an important element to sustain the whole friendship thingy, make it impenetrable. Most people define friendship with their own expectation and I define mine as well the way others do, slightly higher perhaps before. 

Let's talk about other stuff instead. Finally I've the chance to sneak out from the mess after a few days of seriously-busy life. A movie marathon would be awesome if I have not been so exhausted. Dozed off at first and froze at the second. 

I was the one doing ugly face while other laughed!
Overnight in Mcd was a whole new experience, waiting patiently for LRT and bus to start operating. Shall there be any chances for me to be back home, I would never have the intention to stay, yet I felt exuberant with the idea of staying overnight. how crazy I was that night? hehehe

Right after home and I was forced to wake for assignment and class. Had a haircut and yummy Starbucks, what a fulfilling day. Thanks to the driver ya, Mr. Kah How.

A more concerning fact now is that I'm a lot lagging behind academically. Stressful feeling stimulates the inner emoness of mine, feeling very blue today. I need a grip from falling further, somebody please help me! Moving out slowly from my comfort zone. 

I'm told that always I look like a kid, seriously it kills all my attraction as an adult. Somehow cute doesn't fit me the age of 21. Okay I admit that sometimes I'm happy to be treated as a younger brother as the result of being the eldest in the family. But don't treat me as a 5-year-old kid kay. That's kind of annoying. 

Don't ever mistake my kindness for weakness, throw all the troubles back to me after I've done my part. Oh shit please I'm just too kind to not refuse. Please do respect me and I'll value you with respect.

Seriously like this!
Seriously I just had a lovely supper. Time to proceed to my assignment-copying night, endless work to do, endless shits to face. Ain't gonna sleep I guess. ='(

~The End~