Saturday, May 25, 2013

Here's to Never Growing Up Again

Bucket list has been a new term for me, listing down what you wanna achieve before your death. The existing water crisis has driven people nuts, even me myself has the difficulty to keep my mind clear. Even shitting around also has to be patient. Calming down in Starbucks really works, at least I am doing something fruitful here. =D

Unbearably hot sun was the catalyst of my bad mood. When you have no water and internet connection plus that kind of shitty weather, it's hard to concentrate at all. Week 14 is coming and lots assignments due the coming week, yet I've no intention to rush it. 

My cute bro spike his hair like I do!
I kind of miss him a lot all of sudden. Trying to mimic my hairstyle, u better behave ya. Somehow I'm really worried about you, why don't you grow up, staying like a kid always. I'm going home soon, just be patient kay. Love ya =D

Cool Effect
I do like this picture a lot. Hehe. Dear you look old here hehe. I'm nearly broke, with all the money spent hanging out, eating and wasting doing whatnot. Budget control is essential for me nowadays. I miss jogging so much, dear water, please do come back, I really need you. =(

The 9th people!
Here's to never growing up again, love it! I shan't be so pessimistic, growing up is not the end of the world. Yet the more we grow, the more complicate we are. Decide which route to take when we've nothing as the benchmark to see. It's so good to stay a kid always, where the adults will be taking care of all the stuff. Ain't EMO, just some realization, gotta do a Bucket list soon!

~The End~