Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Forgotten Lullaby

Keep It short cos there's nothing interesting in my life nowadays unless u consider that working on the same thing is actually fun. ( Well, not really short after all! ) =(

Slightly overwhelmed by the fact that I've finally made up my mind upon the scholarship matter after the gloomy rainy day, now a worry-free look dominating most of my expression. A prefect forget-me-no blue sky looks even prettier than usual after forging through the head-splitting dilemma, thanks to all my dear friends that participated in advising me and kindly contributing their ideas. Well, I've resolved to not taking the Scholarship after all as 6 years really a little too much for me to bear! PEACE =)

Mr. Complicated was all subdued an emotional the other day, quite the contrary to the person I know, yet I couldn't be much better than him. Mr. Complicated Cheer Up If you're reading this! I felt awful at first and I know perfectly well how you feel right now, anyway It's life we're talking about, a twist in here and there is inevitable. Sophisticated! =(

It's torturing to have myself sat quietly for hours without doing much thing in the office. A spasm of guilt crept consciously up my mind as the words of encouragement rang in my ear, "DO anything as you wish!", well, I get paid without doing anything! Writing seemingly a far-fetched idea for me as my brain has long since malfunctioned. Squirming in my seat for some suffocating moment, I reduced to reading at last, and I've been reading ever since! Well today, I seem to be able to write =)

Medical Check-up result! Gosh! =( Anyway! Congrats my Dear friends, A Level result out and I'm very proud of my friends. I guess I'm gaining fat, cos my mom and dad said so, well, LOOK clearly, have I? Hopefully no! Gosh! Ha That's the random pic I took during my working time!

Right now I feel good listening to Avril's Goodbye, precisely a soothing album to me, I need the sweet lullaby! Do you ever feel like something missing out in your life, some piece of forgotten melodies that your mom will hum softly to lullaby you to sleep? I miss those melodies...

~The End~