Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The calm feeling was back days ago. I found that we shouldn't treat everything with perfect serenity and seriousness. It'd have been a disaster, even a catastrophe. We all stick to our old and eccentirc thought about life, Life shouldn't be that pathetic.

I love what my friend told me,
Friendship isn't everything. There's no eternal and everlasting friendship in our life as best friends are hard to be sought. WE'RE all GROWING UP. When we grow up, our perspective towards life and the expectation towards friends will eventually have a leap, to a higher lever. When one's couldn't achieve the level we've specified, then we'll choose to leave it out or as a simple fact, we ignore. This could be our own problem but This is life.

WE all are uniquely built for what we are bound to be, for what we are born for, for what we are living to.

Meteors beautifully grazes the sky under high speed but afterwards, there's no trace of It in our life, easily forgotten. Intrigued by the patterns of meteors showering the Earth. There's no cul-de-sac in life, just turn around and we'll see there's another way around. SO I won't be so upset anymore! NEVER EVER. Live like the meteors showering the sky. It won't be hard Is it?