Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Year Eve

Even the best player would probably be caught off guard while playing their best game, bursting their bubbles to be the best among all. Let bygones be bygones, learning from the mistakes we did. Happy New Year Eve to all!

The heavy downpour seemingly has come to an end though the Sun is still hiding behind the thin veil of clouds, shyly avoids Himself to be presented to mankind. but thankfully, the rain has finally stopped, Mercifully. Looking for the Rain God? The flooded area has already on the way back to normal by now I guess, with the Sun shines proudly above us ( Hmm Some area I guess but here all windy ) =]

Flight Grrr!!! So painful my ears yesterday when on flight due to the stupid pressure thing, my eardrums seemed like was going to burst real soon! I was just one step away from deaf I guess. But I love plane cause It's real fast and only took 1 hour to be back here from the northest part of Malaysia to the southest part!

But the journey was far more tiring then bus, I was utterly exhausted and when the clock struck 10pm I've already been sleepy like hell. The journey had worn me out yet the journey had enlightened me up! Ha

And lastly!
Happy Chinese New Year EVE to all my friends, together we all celebrate this event. Enjoy the reunion Dinner we'll all be having tonight

P. S I just wrote that the rain stops and now the heavy downpour came LOL