Monday, June 18, 2012

Bye, First year life.

It's almost time to leave. Speaking technically of my current emotions, I'd say that I feel a little glad and sad. Handing over the key means I'm officially leaving. Awesome year of newbies, I came here with nothing. It's a trip of learning, nurturing myself to be stronger. ='(

Lots of memories and I am glad to have you all around, filling my life from every single space so I'm not feeling alone. Remembering back the first week of orientation, till now the end of my 2nd semester. Thanks my dear friends. =)

This is how my life of newbies began and ended. I miss everything. The only companion I came to KK9 is Shobana. And now lots great friends filling in the space. =)

Bye my first year. Heading home soon in an hour and I hope everything will be fine in the future. Emo but not so, just need time to get back to my old life - 2 months holidays I am coming! =) Last entry of my first year life. Good Luck peeps!

~The End~