Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Tomorrow last paper and I'll be going home, leaving this dreadful, enclosed and remote place once again for a week holiday. Currently sitting in my own room and reading through Econ, listening to Taylor's songs while typing my blog here.

SO wanna be back by now, be back to my lovely home. 'Home sweet Home'. Extricate myself from the heavy burden and stress that I'm now carrying and to be back to my own space, being nicely taken care of. That's IMPOSSIBLE I know but sometimes I'll always immerse myself in my own reverie, wondering the time back before I came here.

MUET out days ago and I quite satisfied with my result. The exhilaration was unexpected. What should I say? Happy I guess. No words can describe my feeling. I got Band 5 for my MUET and am waiting for my result slip so that I can prove myself worthy of that result and not by pure luck I got that. It's really hurt sometimes to hear ppl commenting about other's achievements when they are not capable in doing so, this is the so-called jealousy I guess. I don't expect ppl to be all be good and kind but neither do I expect ppl to be that mean.

An early wish to my mom for tomorrow is her birthday, I wish that I can go back now and celebrate with her. No time to elaborate here maybe after that I'll detail it on how am I gonna surprise my mom this Friday xD