Saturday, January 1, 2011


Chalk it up to experience. This is what I will do for this whole new year. Happy New Year to all. I couldn't feel the air of this event, I feel reluctant to admit that It's another year and I just celebrated here in Perlis. Trigger by the nostalgic feeling that , I feel homesick and want to go back so much.

Christmas here, New Year here, even my Birthday will be here! Unwittingly, the date turned 2011 yesterday, the idea of another new year couldn't quite fit my mind. The azure blue sky looks unblemished ever, the day just the same. Merry Christmas to you all.

I wish I could have a blast for this year. The days before have ended, officially ended. Real friends are hard to find but I need only a few. Thanks to those friend that accompanied me for the year 2010, esp Pek Yan! Appreciate you as a good friend of mine. And thanks to my family for morally and financially supporting me for 18 years. I'll be the one to make you proud, Thank you MOM and DAD. I love you all.