Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012

3... 2.. 1.

Happy 2012, Peeps!

I couldn't wait the exam to end ya all know, sitting still for hours reading books as thick as encyclopedia while people all having holidays or whatnot! "In... Out..." I need fresh air to rejuvenate my body system, as well as my so packed mind. Well, It's 2012 and I hope this will be an awesome year for me! 

Somehow I need a break in between to soothe my complications, as well as my frustrations. Come on! Supposedly I can get out and have fun. Supposedly I can enjoy to the max counting down the second to a whole new year. Luckily I still got the chance to have breakfast with a bunch of friends early in the morning, before even the dawn 'broke'! I love dim sum and I enjoy it with them! Cheese =)

This is my lovely 'Family' here. The rest of my day was so dull that I've no intention to share it to you all. STUDY - EAT - STUDY - EAT - SLEEP, that's what was I doing throughout the day! Argh... I'd join the crowds to welcome 2012 instead of staying in room! 

I'll be more hardworking this year, putting more effort so that I can do well the coming semester. Great year ahead. Great day! I believe I can score well! Let's see =) *Hope my family will stay healthy as they are now* New Year, New Hopes!

~The End~