Thursday, July 19, 2012

Catching Fire

The means of appeasing the one that might send you off dying does not seem to be a great idea. The idea of staying alive matters no more when life is so depressing. Habitually, I always read whenever I've a chance, and I'm just loving it. Catching Fire is just as appealing as its first book! Updates of recent Outing!

Harry Potter exhibition hasn't failed to take my breath away. The amazement was obviously plastered on the visitors' faces. Little girls overexcited. The Qudditch robe, Buckbeak and even Dobby in the exhibition has an overwhelming impact on the fans. But the No filming sign was kind of disappointing.

Fountain of Chocolate! The aroma of chocolate, the instance melting and spreading out in the mouth. Oh It's just great to have myself out rather than burying myself in the maze of Net. Somehow I need a real rest as a reward, with all the troubles spicing up my life. I guess a little spending on the Fondue will do.

Meeting up old friends minimizes the impact of having myself stuck in the house. I couldn't quite well manage my emotions yet as the all-dunno-what-so-shitty burden has come unpredictably. Might as well escape awhile from the reality and throw myself in the fictitious world as usual, keeping myself busy. Somehow I need to talk to you, not the kind 0f hey-get-our-business-done of talk please. =(

~The End~