Friday, October 5, 2012


One month long I haven't been updating my bloggie. Finding time for myself to sleep has been the major task of mine ever since I came back here. I've set myself a goal of scoring a much better result than the previous semester. I need extra attention in class, extra effort in room.

Putting up with tons of stuff has been a pain in the ass but I know that everything comes with a reson. I-Week 2012 ended officially and I've gotten myself a buddy. Started to bury myself in the books with the hope that everything will be fine.

Business Research kind of exciting, I never know what am I doing for the research. God bless me! I've been trying lots of stuff here, informal emcee was kind of fun, and I did enjoy to the max the very last night of I-Week 2012.

Happy belated mooncake festival peeps! Haven't been calling back to home for a month. Shh.. My mom was kind of unhappy. I've stuffed myself with many types of mooncakes. Picking up lantern and candles, we walked around of residential college for that special night.

Sum up my life here - BUSY. I don't really understand a thing of yours and now I don't care. Result has become my priority and I realize that sometimes it's too ficticious to imagine. Life has so much to expect but what you get at the end might not be what you are expecting. Grr. That's complicated.

What's my prioriy? May the odds be ever in your favor. Good Luck for the coming weeks here. =)

~The End~