Saturday, June 25, 2011

Vampire Craze!

I was practically doing nothing at all, considering the fact that It's a pretty free day for me. Guess what? I was in a daze today, mainly due to the lack-of-sleep night again. The so-called WEB-attraction has seized me once again yet the sense of foreboding was unable to avert my attention from the WEB! Sigh... But writing does actually ease the slight discomfort of mine. It's a fine way to vent out anger, n definitely a good way to cure my psychotic breakdown a little! Sleepy or not, It's not my greatest concern now since I practically immune from sleeping. I'm FINE with that though.

Keep it short, curt and precise. A remorseful look on my face. Life is a stage of reality, I'm not the expert in Life, nor do I live long enough to experience Life, considering I just turned 19 months ago. But I'm a believer, I know that life would never play out the way u want. Okay, I'm kind of philosophic now. I hate that I never truly appreciate learning English when I was young, no more regrets now. Well. Brief short life ahead so I guess I just have to work harder, for the future sake. I know It sounds lame but It's the truth after all. =(

Mulling over my long life planning, why not enjoying my current life? A bit contradictory to what I've mentioned just now. Don't get me wrong! Ha I mean, we can't always be serious. It's tiring! I've been kind to myself lately. Reading VA is inspiring as I couldn't believe Friendship can be so strong and tough. Could I ever find myself a friend like Rose? Such faithful and loyal? Hmm. Define friend- Friends are companies that will be there with u whenever u feel down and sad, happy, confused or anything. I appreciate those who are! Thanks for the concern and everything! I especially send my regards to Yan IF U're reading this. Wong Chew Li n Goh Pohyee for being my loyal blog readers. My fellow bffs, If they ever read my blog.

My feeling? A little claustrophobic n doomed, as IF the End of the World is imminent. Like thousands of arrows raining down on me, but I feel nth, cos I'm numb, the pain is nth after all. Maybe the disappointment won't go away like pains do?

"Inner Peace" I'm still searching. Peace =)

~The End~