Tuesday, November 9, 2010


我爱你 你爱她 她爱她 她爱他
你爱我 我爱他 他爱他 他爱她

咦?怎么这世界 已经没有人相爱
怎么这世界 每个人都不快乐
怎么这世界 每个人都爱别人

~ Hebe ~

I love myself and I love my FAMILY and FRIENDS TOO XD
Couldn't believe myself that this is the last day for me to stay here and by tomorrow I'll be reaching Perlis for the new beginning of another new semester. Argh!!!

I started missing my cozy room, the comfortable bed ever, I'm gonna miss it for sure! And of course my sweet family! My mom, my dad, my brothers!

SO good to have a bunch of good friends and supportive family behind my back, giving me strength and energy. Being the eldest isn't that easy. I saw my parents hard work, backbreakingly making our life more comfortable. HOME SWEET HOME! Say cheese!!! Smile XD

My youngest brother, my dad and my mom. I love u all! Bye for this year and see you all nest year!
See you all next year! Wish me luck for my 2nd semester!


bIG BIg cRaB said...

hey...y the photo so slim d???haha...gud luck n gambateh in 2nd sem!!!~A3!!!!

Kai Jie said...

Because I've gained weight since holiday! LOL. I never edit!!! ><