Sunday, November 28, 2010


The vastness of the sea with only the horizon in view was shockingly amazed me, leaving in wonder why my life couldn't get any wider than the horizon? As though life is just a game, we're all the prey that waiting to be slaughtered by the shortness of the life.

Met my friend Zi Hern in KMK as we're invited to there for the closing ceremony. I'm deeply impressed that Zi Hern was dancing SNSD Gee bravely! Ha. So funny and so cool dude!
Don't ever laugh when seeing my pic here! I'm seriously hating the teacher now! And IF u don't know, then click the previous post and read it!

Harry Potter, I still couldn't stop myself from reading as IT's brilliant! Fantastic! Charming!
Hermione, Harry, Ron, Hagrid... ... ... And all the incantations! Elude the bustled life by reading a book of Harry is indeed a brilliant choice!

Getting a bit fuss recently maybe mainly the cause is him. I really tried my best to pretend I'm keen and everything but have failed myself. Stupid! I saw his eagerness to try but I'm really disappointed and tired. Maybe this indicates the end of everything? Just be myself I think. I miss the pre-me.